Thursday 20 May 2021

A perilous journey to Brindisi

A few years ago, my daughter went to Brindisi, a beautiful coastal town on the heel of Italy and a destination for thousands of migrants from north Africa and the middle east. Some of the migrants she met had left their homes for economic reasons, often sponsored by entire villages to travel to Europe where they imagined the streets would be paved with gold. Others were escaping from wars, famine and oppression, desperate people who felt they had no future in the country of their birth. 

Because of the heat, many migrants would escape the refuge centres, spending their days by cooling fountains in Brindisi's town square.  This is where my daughter talked to many of the travellers, some of whom had suffered greatly in their quest for the west.

No matter where they came from, they were forced to travel through Libya, a perilous journey. Not only were they prey to traffickers, but also to kidnappers, rapists, and crooked militia. Some unfortunate travellers were badly beaten and even killed if  a ransom couldn't be paid.

One man told a heartbreaking story. He began his journey with his wife and child who were both kidnapped and held to ransom. Having managed to secure their release, the family reached the coast where a rubber boat was waiting to ferry them to Italy, but there was only room for two of them, so the man stayed behind, waiting for another vessel. This second boat reached Brindisi safely. The first boat didn't. The man's family drowned.

Other migrants also suffered harrowing experiences, so much so, that on reaching their destination, and despite finding work as planned, they pleaded with the family and friends they'd left behind not to follow their example. No amount of prosperity was worth the dangers and unimaginable cruelty they had faced.

During her stay, my daughter heard many such stories, shattering her faith in humanity and her belief that most people in the world are basically good. Yet, one thing impressed her, something every migrant she met held in common.

Not one of them blamed God.

A perfect beach for holidaymakers

One of the camps for migrants

Brindisi at night

Friday 14 May 2021

Flight from Fernilee - The First Escape

Extract: Miles and his sister Alice are being hunted by sinister agents. But why? What could MI6 or the CIA possibly want with ordinary kids like them?

 "Okay, Griswold," said his companion. Once his superior was out of sight, Skinner sat down on the trunk. He was easily the biggest of the men with an unbelievably wide bottom, and, as soon as he made contact with the fallen tree, it creaked ominously. All Miles and Alice could do was pray their hiding place would hold up under the strain. Moments later and to their great relief, they heard another shout.

"Oi! Skinner! Get off your fat behind and start searching! The boss ain't moving 'til we catch those brats!"

Skinner leapt up, but in doing so, the weight of his bottom dislodged the tree which jolted into motion and began to roll downhill - slowly at first, then gathering speed, flattening everything in its path as the hill dropped perilously towards the river that gushed through the gully below. Miles and Alice held their breath, unable to scream, helpless and stiff with terror. Being so tightly packed into the trunk helped brace their bodies against much of the impact, but it was still the most terrifying white-knuckle ride they‘d ever experienced!   

"This isn't doing my stomach any good at all" Miles thought to himself, as the hollow log continued to roll faster and faster downhill, stopping only when eventually, it hit the river with a tremendous splash. Instead of being spun head over heels, the children now felt themselves being thrust from side to side as the current swept them along. Miles could hear Alice hyperventilating and instinctively reached out a hand. "It's alright now," he said. At least they were safe from the men who, convinced their prey were still hiding in the wood, found sticks to probe the foliage inch by inch. Sometime later, Griswold had another bright idea. "Set fire to the place!" he yelled. "We'll smoke the beggars out!" But by this time, Miles and Alice were speeding down the river.