Friday 31 July 2020

Christians in Ancient Rome - Why were they hated?

Child sacrifice, ritual drinking of human blood, sedition, brainwashing, breaking up families, hatred of men, intolerance...the list continues.

A satanic cult? The next horror movie? No, the above accusations were levelled against early Christians whom Jesus warned would be hated. Why? "Because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you." (John 15:9)

This hatred soon became manifest: Due to false allegations by religious leaders, Jesus was condemned to a tortuous, humiliating death; his followers were hounded and lies and persecution have persisted against them ever since. Here are a few examples of the difficulties Christians faced in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.

Child sacrifice

 In Ancient Rome, detractors of this new religion - originally known as The Way - accused its followers of murdering children, despite the Christians' firm stand against abortion, a common practice at the time. And, ignoring the scriptural command to 'abstain from blood', enemies tried to force Christians to eat blood sausage while still alleging children's blood was consumed at Christian meetings - blissfully unaware of the obvious contradictions!

Hostile to the State

Far from conducting such monstrous practices, early Christians tried to live peaceably with their neighbours as far as their Godly principles would allow. Not an easy task, as the world at the time was grossly immoral and steeped in Greco-Roman idolatry, which included Emperor worship and presented severe problems for Christ's followers. Actually, Rome had no problem with new beliefs, even adopting foreign gods they took a shine to. However, the State's pagan religion was always expected to come first and people who rejected such worship - either Caesar or other deities - were declared as atheists, hostile to the State.

Oxford professor E.G. Hardy referred to Tertullian, who he claimed, "enumerates many things which were impossible for a conscientious Christian, as involving idolatry: e.g. oath usual at contracts; the illumination of doors at festivals, etc.; all Pagan religious ceremonies; the games and the circus; the profession of teaching secular [heathen classical] literature; military service; public offices." - Christianity and the Roman Government.

French Catholic author A. Hamman writes: "It was impossible to take a step without encountering a divinity. The Christian's position brought him daily problems; he lived on the edge of society...He faced recurring problems in the home, in the streets, at the the street, whether a Roman citizen or not, a Christian should bare his head when passing a temple or statue. How could he refrain from doing so without arousing suspicion, yet how could he comply without committing an act of allegiance? If he was in business and needed to borrow money, he had to swear to the moneylender in the name of the gods...If he accepted public office, he was expected to offer a sacrifice. If enlisted, how could he avoid taking the oath and participating in the rites of military service?" - La vie quotidienne des premiers chretiens (Daily Life Among the Early Christians, 95-197 C.E.)

Spoken against everywhere

While the apostle Paul was awaiting trial in Rome - then under Emperor Nero - prominent Jews said of Christians: "Truly as regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against." (Acts 28:22) Historians and religious scholars can certainly bear this out.

E.W. Barnes writes: "In its early authoritative documents, the Christian movement is represented as essentially moral and law-abiding. Its members desired to be good citizens and loyal subjects. They shunned the failings and vices of paganism. In private life, they sought to be peaceful neighbours and trustworthy friends. They were taught to be sober, industrious and clean-living. Amid prevailing corruption and licentiousness, they were, if loyal to their principles, honest and truthful. Their sexual standards were high: the marriage tie was respected, and family life was pure. With such virtues they could not, one would have thought, have been troublesome citizens. Yet they were for long despised, maligned and hated." - The Rise of Christianity

Haters of the human race - breaking up families

By refusing to bow down to the emperor and pagan divinities, Christians were blamed for any catastrophe, having supposedly angered the gods. By not watching immoral plays or bloody gladiatorial displays, they were considered antisocial - 'haters of the human race'. Amongst other accusations, this 'sect' was said to break up families, destabilising the social order - and Tertullian spoke of pagan husbands who would rather their wives were unfaithful than Christian.

Says Historian Kenneth Scott Latourette, "Still another set of charges held Christianity up to ridicule for its recent origin and contrasted it with the antiquity of its rivals [Judaism and the Greco-Roman pagan religions]." - A History of the Expansion of Christianity, Volume 1, page 131)

Robert M. Grant refers to 2nd century C.E. Roman historian Suetonius who called Christianity "a new and mischievous superstition." Officials of the Roman Empire certainly viewed Christians in a negative light. "The basic view was that Christianity was simplh an unnecessary, possibly a harmful, religion." Early Christianity and Society.

Aggressive proselytising 

Sorbonne Professor Jean Bernardi explains that "[Christians] were to go out and speak everywhere and to everyone. On the highways and in the cities, on the public squares and in the homes. Welcome or unwelcome. To the poor, and to the rich encumbered by their possessions. To the small and to the governors of the Roman provinces...They had to take to the road, board ships, and go to the ends of the earth." - Les premiers siecles de l'Eglise (The Early Centuries of the Church).

According to Professor Leon Homo, early Christians were generally disliked for their "ardent proselytism." Professor Latourette states that, while the Jews lost their zeal for proselytising, "Christians, on the other hand, were aggressively missionary and so aroused resentment."

Targeting the gullible

Roman philosopher Celsus also criticised the Christians' preaching methods, stating that Christianity was for the uneducated and that it could convince "only the stupid, slaves, women, and little children." Christians, he felt, were indoctrinating "gullible people," having them "believe without rational thought." He claimed new disciples were not to "ask questions; just believe." Yet, as Origen pointed out, Celsus had to admit that "it was not the simple alone who were led by the doctrine of Jesus to adopt His religion."


 Early Christians claimed to possess the truth of the one true God. They were not open to ecumenism, or interfaith. "Unlike most of the faiths of the time," claims Latourette, "[the Christians] were hostile to other contrast with the fairly broad tolerance which characterised other cults, they declared that they had final truth."


In 202 C.E., Emperor Septimus Severus issued an edict forbidding the Christians to make converts. This however, did not stop them from witnessing about their faith. Says Latourette, "In its refusal to compromise with many of the social customs and moral practices of the times [early Christianity developed a coherence and an organisation which set it over against society. The very break required to join it gave to its adherents a conviction which constituted a source of strength against persecution and of zeal in winning converts."

No part of the world

The historical record speaks for itself. While trying to be good citizens and live peaceably with all men, early Christians refused to become "part of the world" as Jesus commanded. They respected the authorities but, in obedience "to God rather than men," kept on preaching even when forbidden. They refused to compromise on moral standards and rejected pagan idolatry. For this they were despised, maligned, hated, and persecuted - just as Christ foretold. (John 15:9)

Friday 3 July 2020

“In the Blink of an Eye Reborn” - The Story of Locked-in Syndrome Sufferer Peter Coghlan

On 21st March 2011, Peter Coghlan suffered a massive brain stem stroke, leaving him totally paralysed except for vertical movement of his eyes. A classic case of Locked-in Syndrome (LIS), a rare condition from which sufferers were not expected to recover.

Peter was by no means a typical patient. At just 33 years old and having moved from the UK to Perth, Western Australia, he had wonderful prospects before him – a life in the sun, enjoyable work and marriage to his fiancée, Jade. Not even his devastating illness was going to prevent his dreams coming true. For weeks, he lay in hospital, afraid, helpless and unable to communicate. Initially, his prognosis was poor. Considering him to be brain-dead, doctors even discussed switching off his life support.

Fortunately, his fiancée Jade, who had been scouring through the internet for any information she could find on LIS, encouraged him to blink if he understood her. Then, with the help of an alphabet board he was able to communicate. One blink for ‘Yes’, two blinks for ‘No’. He also began to progress physically, becoming the world’s fastest recovering locked-in survivor.

Just 6 months and 1 day after his stroke, Peter walked out of hospital – weak and unsteady, yet nevertheless a free man. Written in the first person, the book begins with the onset of Peter’s illness, charting events as they occur to emphasise the sheer terror and confusion Pete experienced at the time, along with horrific hallucinations.

While locked-in, Peter reflects on his life, written in a series of flashbacks – his happy childhood, his adolescent pranks and brushes with the law, his meeting with Jade, and life in the army with all its dangers and abuses. During his tour of Northern Ireland, Pete was not only surrounded by mobs but also suffered bullying from older soldiers. His army career came to end when he was diagnosed with cancer - Hodgkins Lymphoma – which he overcame.

Refusing to accept that he would never walk or talk again, Pete used visualisation – imagining his hand was a lobster’s claw which he repeatedly tried to close. This technique eventually triggered the memory of his synapses, sending messages to his fingers, willing them to move. These efforts paid off, and it was with tears in his eyes he blinked out a message to Jade from his Alphabet Board: “LOOK AT MY HAND”. The movement was small but enough for his neurologist Professor David Blacker to refer Peter for physiotherapy. This decision was crucial to Pete’s astonishing recovery.

 The second part of the book tells of Peter’s fight to regain his life – his wedding to Jade, their move to Thailand where his father set them up in their own business – a small restaurant which failed dismally – and desperate but fruitless efforts to repair their relationship. Despite the heartache, after returning to Perth Peter continued to improve, eventually re-discovering his voice and qualifying to be a health care worker. And, throughout his trials, Peter kept, charting his experiences from the onset of his stroke to his current state of health.

Due to Pete’s colourful past, sheer determination and astonishing recovery, this story – though harrowing at times - is inspirational and life-affirming. Lying in his hospital bed, seemingly alone, Peter promised God that if he could only get well again, he’d do everything possible to help others in similar situations. This book is just one of the ways he intends to do that. Available on Amazon UK: